09.30–10.00Registrering & kaffe/te
10.00–10.05Velkommen (Caroline Verbeke)
10.05-11.30Sesjon I (Møteleder: Oddmund Nordgård, Stavanger University Hospital)
10.05-10.35Maria Ulvmar (Uppsala University) Pathological vascular and stromal changes in tumour-draining lymph nodes in patients with PDAC
10.35-11.05Marjolein Liedenbaum (Haukeland University Hospital) Radiomics and deep learning in pancreatic cancer - Will AI replace the radiologist?
11.05-11.30Kay Oliver Schink (University of Oslo) To drink or to drive: switching between nutrient scavenging by macropinocytosis and cancer cell invasion
12.45-14.30Sesjon II (Møteleder: Arne Westgaard, Oslo University Hospital)
12.45-12.55Overrekkelse av reisestipend fra Pancreaskreft Nettverk Norge v/ Charlotte Borge-Andersen
12.55-13.15Ingrid Kvåle Nordaas (Haukeland University Hospital) Sonoporation in the treatment of pancreatic cancer
13.15-13.35Usman Saeed (Oslo University Hospital) Body mass index and cancer epidemiology - unveiling the links in pancreatic cancer
13.35-13.55Kristin Solheim Hustad (Oslo University Hospital) Optimizing nutrition before and during treatment: a digital approach for pancreatic cancer patients
13.55-14.15Samuele Cancellieri (University of Oslo) Dissecting the transcriptional landscape of PDAC: from primary tumour to metastatic development
14.15-14.30Manoj Amrutkar (Oslo University Hospital) Metabolomic proling of neoadjuvantly treated PDAC.
15.00-16.20Sesjon III (Møteleder: Karianne Fjeld, University of Bergen)
15.00-15.20Torunn Elisabeth Tjelle & Ann Rita Halvorsen (Kreftforeningen) The Norwegian Cancer Society’s role in cancer research in Norway
15.20-15.40Jason Matthews (University of Oslo) Role of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in pancreatic cance
15.40-16.00Bjørn Skålhegg (University of Oslo) Can proles of plasma amino acids and derivatives in patients with PDAC be used to predict overall survival?
16.00-16.20Morten Lapin (Stavanger University Hospital) Tumour agnostic detection of ctDNA in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer using targeted DNA methylation sequencing and cfDNA fragmen-tomics
16.20-16.30Oppsummering (Anders Molven, University of Bergen)