Several of the genes that are involved in known syndromes for hereditary cancer are associated with a small to moderately increased risk of pancreatic cancer.
The PREPAIRD Study: Personalized suReillance for Early detection and prevention of Pancreatic cAncer in hIgh Risk inDividuals
One of the main goals with the work package for medical genetics is to improve health care for individuals with a hereditary predisospition to pancreatic cancer. The PREPAIRD-study is an important step towards this goal.
The PREPAIRD-study is a national and interdisciplinary research project where we will establish and evaluate a personalized surveillance program for individuals with a hereditary predisposition to pancreatic cancer. The aim of the project is early detection and improved survival of pancreatic cancer. The KNEP work packages of pathology, surgery and circulating tumor are involved in the study. In addition, the project includes researchers and clinicians from other disciplines, such as radiology, metabolomics, psychology and health economy. The first three years of the project is funded by the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority.Inclusion in the study is open for individuals who have been to genetic counseling and testing at one of the departments of medical genetics in Norway, and through this process have been found to be at increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer due to either:
Tom Grimsrud, Cancer Registry of Norway
Knut Jørgen Labori (work package 'Surgery'), Oslo University Hospital/University of Oslo
Caroline Verbeke (work package “Pathology”), University of Oslo/Oslo University Hospital
Oddmund Nordgård (work package “Circulating tumour-DNA”), Stavanger University Hospital / University of Stavanger
Anselm Schulz, Oslo University Hospital
Nils Henrik Halberg (work package “Animal models”), University of Bergen
Amy Østertun Leirdal (OsloMet)
Eline Aas ,University of Oslo